Children and Young People's Mental Health and Neurodivergence
Please see resources below to find the most appropriate help for a child or young person with mental health difficulties and concerns about neurodivergence:
NHS: C&YP mental health support
Young minds - mental health charity
Stem 4- supporting teenagers
NHS: Every mind matters
Off the record OTR
Papyrus- preventing young suicide
Anxious minds
The mix- confidential support service - parent courses
Boxing therapy
MindEd - mental health resources
Happy maps- find support services all in one place
Family lives: support phone line
Whatever you're feeling, we're here to help.
Get free, safe and anonymous support.
Chill Panda app
Play your way to a calmer day
Samaritans app
Keep track of how you're feeling, and get recommendations for things you can do to help yourself cope, feel better and stay safe in a crisis.
Insight timer
A free app for sleep, anxiety and stress
A list of helpful resources and apps designed for young people and their families