Cervical Cancer Screening
Its not nice, its not pretty, but cervical screenings save lives!
Two women die every day from cervical cancer. It is the second most common cancer amongst women under 35, yet it is one of the most preventable cancers.
It's important to get your cervical smears booked in when you receive your invitation letter.
We have appointments available with our nursing team across BVM, contact us via KLINIK to book.
Life is busy, no-one likes having a smear, its easy to put off booking the appointment or forgetting but it's so important to have your screening.
All women between 25-65yrs are included in the recall system and will receive letters inviting them to attend for a smear test every 3-5 years. Patients aged 25-48 years are recalled every three years and those patients aged over 49 are recalled every 5 years as per government guidelines. The smear Test is done by a female treatment room nurse at one of our sites.
You should postpone and rebook your appointment if you are on your period. We recommend that you make your appointment for at least 7 days after your last bleed day.
Following your appointment, test results are sent by letter to the patients’ home address and can take up to 8 weeks.
Cervical cancer can often be prevented. Cervical screening is not a test for diagnosing cervical cancer but to look for early warning signs of change. For many women the test results show that everything is fine. For 1 in 10 women, the test shows changes in cells that can be caused by many things. Most of these changes will not lead to cancer but may require further investigation.